Through the Lens of FAITH

with Barbi Burris


Empowering women to MOVE with greater ease, less pain, and Godly confidence so they can enjoy an active lifestyle ~  in midlife and beyond! 

Grab my free, “Rise & Shine Guide" for my top 4 Restorative Rituals to start your day with less stiffness and more energy! 


side plank

Move Well ~ Hurt Less ~ Live Fully

If you want to move easier and get in better shape to do more of the things you love but struggle with a lot of tightness and a lack of time and energy to stay on track...

I GOT YOU!    

Fitness looks and feels different in the menopause stages of life. What used to work doesn't do the trick any longer, which causes exhaustion and discouragement! Nagging aches and injuries prevent progress and make everyday tasks seem more difficult. Motivation quickly fades with a full plate of responsibilities for aging parents and adulting children. 

It's a frustrating place to be - smack in the middle with no clear path to a 'feel better future.'

Well, don't give up just yet!

What if I told you there is an easier way to be physically and spiritually fit so that you can stay active, move confidently, and live abundantly

It's your time, my friend, to pour from a full cup and stop settling for less than God's best for you!


Experience the joy of a fit & faith-filled lifestyle

with my unique coaching program,


Refresh Your Soul 

Boldly embrace your identity in Christ and find joyful hope for your future.  

Rejuvenate Your Body 

Confidently age with fewer aches, greater strength, and improved mobility.

Renew Your Mind 

Consistently choose God's promises and possibilities over worldly worries and stress.


YOU are Fearfully & Wonderfully Made!

Learn how to prioritize your physical, spiritual, and mental health to live life to the fullest!


Step One

 Grab your Free Rise & Shine Guide: My Top 4 Restorative Rituals to Relieve Morning Stiffness and Rev Up your Energy.
Yes, Please!

Step Two

Check out more valuable RESOURCES to support your faith & fitness journey!

Take me there!

Step Three

Enroll in The WELL STRETCHED Life™ coaching program to start your next step to transformation! 



A Unique Body & Soul Fitness Program 

Specifically designed to deepen your relationship with the Lord, stretch and strengthen your body, and overcome a stuck mindset that keeps you from enjoying an active and abundant lifestyle! 


coffee chat

Hey There, 

I'm Barbi 


Thanks for checking out my cozy corner of the internet, where I serve go-getter women who want to enjoy an Active & Abundant lifestyle at every age and stage!

I understand the frustration of a stiff and sore body that doesn't behave, the discouragement of a dry and weary soul, and the stress of being pulled in all directions during midlife. 

The Good News is that there IS a better way to be Fit & Faith-Filled, without taking a ton of time!

If you're ready to be transformed from the inside out so that you can put more LIFE in your YEARS... stop settling and start thriving with The WELL STRETCHED Life™ coaching program!

Together, we will Stretch & Strengthen your body, mind, and soul - without wasting time on tips and tricks that no longer work.




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