Start Here! So That...
Aug 08, 2023
Romans 15:13 NIV: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The mission of my Full Well Living Blog is to serve midlife (and beyond) women with encouraging and educational “so that” content about faith, fitness, family, and fun. You will find short blog bites and longer in-depth commentaries on this site.
Every story or article intentionally points to God using scientific and scriptural insight and purpose-driven inspiration to help you ‘move well and live fully.’ I aim to instill a desire to change, take action, and grow.
The Structure of “So That”
It is a simple phrase that carries a powerful message of purpose and explains the birth of this blog. It is also the driver behind the decision to start my business, Full Well Fitness LLC (FWF).
Allow me to explain with a brief grammar lesson. The phrase is a conjunction that joins two clauses; the first expresses an action, and the second indicates the purpose.
This cause-and-effect relationship keeps us growing, seeking, wondering, and moving forward.
Consider the message behind the well-known Bible verse, John 3:16 NIV.
- Action: For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son
- Purpose: that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
How about the goal of the National Physical Activity Plan?
- Action: The Plan aims to foster a national culture that supports physically active lifestyles.
- Purpose: Its ultimate objective is to improve health, prevent disease and disability, and enhance the quality of life.
Both previous statements follow a framework highlighting an objective behind an action. The Full Well Living Blog posts use that same philosophy, though the patterns may slightly differ.
The Impact of “So That”
I have a lot of questions about many things. My curiosity about how things work (like our wonderfully made bodies) and why people think and behave differently compels me to seek answers.
I’ve always suffered from this ‘need to know’ affliction, from an 8-year-old child who jotted down questions during her Dad’s sermons (not notes or key points), to a divorced young lady who clung to the unhealthy ruminations of a ‘what in the world just happened’ heartache. I tend to look for answers that make sense and clearly explain the result.
Some may call it control or overthinking (I’m guilty of both), but no matter what causes my inquisitive nature, the reasoning behind an action satisfies my soul. If you tend to get caught up in the “Whys?” of life, you also have the “so that” bug, my friend.
And that’s ok.
I’ve learned that most things in life worth our devoted attention are often part of a “so that” storyline and capable of causing big-time transformation.
When I ventured into the business world, the impact of that phrase was apparent. Coaches and business courses teach the importance of clarifying your elevator pitch and “I help” statement. “I help X do Y, SO THAT X can do Z.” It concisely explains who you serve, what you do, and why you do it.
For example:
- “I help first-time Mommas teach their babies to sleep soundly SO THAT they can be fully present and productive parents.
- “I serve older women with celiac disease who don’t want to suffer from GI issues SO THAT they can enjoy food and travel experiences without fear.”
This impact may seem irrelevant if you’re not a teacher or coach but consider the following.
What are the reasons YOU do what you do?
- You handle the home affairs SO THAT your young ones don’t have to go to daycare.
- You bust your butt in the office SO THAT you can help finance your daughter’s wedding expenses.
- You exercise and eat responsibly SO THAT you avoid the same debilitating health issues your ancestors struggled to overcome.
- You spend intentional time in prayer SO THAT you can experience the peace of God’s presence in an upside-down world.
Do you get the drift of my “so that” obsession?
I hope my words go from your head to your heart and ultimately to your hands. The world needs change makers SO THAT others can experience the hope of Christ, the gift of a healthy body, and the joy of a fulfilling life.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Your comments and feedback are welcome.
Barbi Burris
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