You were created to be a woman of impact and every stage of this wonderful life.

Barbi Burris


I'm Barbi Burris, Founder of Full Well Fitness LLC and The Well Stretched Life™ coaching program.

I'm so glad you're here!

I am a Jesus follower who's immensely grateful to be carried and covered by grace. I crave connection (so authentic relationships are my thing), yet I also find great joy in solitude. 

I grew up as a "Preacher's Kid," competed as a collegiate gymnast, and have traveled the world as a flight attendant, so it makes sense why I'm so passionate about empowering others to enjoy an active and fulfilling lifestyle. God uses ALL of our stories, so the desire to integrate my experience and expertise in all three areas is why I became a faith & fitness coach. 

I find joy in helping others experience the tremendous value of stewarding a healthy body, the freedom of knowing a trustworthy God, and the peace that accompanies a sound mind.

This is why I do what I do. This is how I show up to serve. This is what I want for you.

Hang out with me for a while, and you'll discover that a fit and faith-filled life is not as complicated as you think! 

beach walk


As a Believer, faith is at the center of everything I say and do (though falling short is also part of the mercy and grace equation). Therefore, it comes naturally to start transformation on the inside and then allow it to seep into all the other areas of life.

Approaching "Functional Fitness through the Lens of Faith" has become my motto and differentiating factor.

Moving well is foundational to getting fit and feeling better, and that is precisely what inspired me to build a safe and sustainable coaching program. We are interconnected beings, so a holistic perspective of body, mind, and soul wellness is necessary for faster and longer-lasting results.

The Well Stretched Life™ is my unique faith and fitness system that integrates stretching and strength training into your daily lifestyle so that you can do more of the things you love... with less pain and greater confidence to keep going.

The story below is the bigger picture about WHY I felt called to create a solution for others struggling with the physical, spiritual, and emotional changes that naturally occur in (and after) midlife.

Every journey has its detours, and mine is no exception. 

After spending four years as a collegiate athlete at UNC-CH (Go Tarheels!), where I studied exercise science and found a love for all things Carolina Blue, the travel bug bit me. My curiosity for adventure took me to Delta Airlines, where I first cultivated my communication skills as a flight attendant. Jumpseat therapy with peers and conversations with passengers gave me ample opportunity to listen and learn - a requirement for any coach's success. 

Life was one adventure after another, but I wasn't prepared for what hit me soon after the big 50th birthday! I was cruising right along until...menopause made me detour.

Menopause (pre/post/all of it) flew in out of the blue and threw me for a curve. Maybe you can relate. The emotional and physical symptoms were so frustrating, and they started to take a toll on my entire well-being! 

*My body was shifting and dropping in all the wrong directions.

*I suddenly wasn’t sleeping well and would wake up sore and stiff all over.

*Hot flashes and moodiness made me miserable to be around.

*I felt spiritually drained but couldn’t find time to fill my cup with God’s Word.

*I was overstretched with caregiving responsibilities for parents and adulting children.

*Everything seemed to be wearing down, and I had difficulty finding my way back to feeling good.

There had to be a better way to make it through this midlife mayhem.

I decided to hit the books and make intentional changes based on science and Scripture. I hired coaches and mentors to guide me along because we don't know what we don't know. I let go of the resentment I had in my heart about the aches of aging and decided to accept the new challenges. I found comfort in God's plan for my next season as I focused more on my faith foundations and less on the world's solutions. My body started behaving better when I learned how to listen to it.

Learning how to connect and correct made all the difference, and I was eager to share what was working so that other women on my same path could find some relief and rejuvenation.

So, as a 'Senior Mama' in the sky, I decided to cut back on flying and pick up a new career in fitness coaching. I started my research and passed numerous certifications with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) in Personal Training, Group Fitness, Stretching and Flexibility, Core Integration, Behavioral Change, TRX Suspension Training, Consistency Coaching Specialist, and blah blah. You get the idea. My company, Full Well Fitness LLC, was created, and I jumped into the training world with a bunch of specialties under my belt. 

But it was the experience of working with clients that brought me insight and excitement!

I could identify my people, the women in the same state of suffering, and help them overcome what was preventing their progress. Their overriding struggles were:

*Lack of time and motivation, stiff and sore bodies, and overall muscle weakness. 

*What used to work wasn't working anymore, and the information floating around was confusing and controversial.

The result...they either threw in the towel and stopped trying OR pushed even harder and got hurt. 

I had the solution to those struggles and knew I was called to step up to the plate. 

 So, I took a leap of faith (literally!) and decided to show up and show off the goodness of God and the worthwhile investment in your gloriously made body.

YOU, my friend, were made to THRIVE. I'd love to help you do just that!

 Thanks for hanging out with me for a while. I look forward to working with you and guiding you along the detours.




* Barbi's personal lifestyle is a reflection of how to fit fitness in a busy life. She has the ability to drill down to the basics and create specific, quick workouts.  ~ Cindy


*You live what you teach and you are an inspiration to so many women. ~ Jenny


* Barbi's support and encouragement gave me confidence to do the best I could at that moment, and truly coached me through the days I just couldn't get there mentally! ~ Melissa




* I'm an Irish preacher and teacher's daughter, middle sister of two talented authors, cherished wife, blessed mama of two athletic boys, grateful birth-mom of one gorgeous girl, G-Ma to 3 little grands, and child of a KING. 

* I spend entirely too much time and money in Hallmark stores and bookstores. My dream jobs would be a country artist (but nobody needs to hear me sing) and a published author (that will happen).

*Music (most kinds), water (all kinds), and writing (yes, I journal) make me happy. Baseball caps are my go-to fashion accessory. My besties know my vices - contact them for details. :) 


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